Looking for an apprenticeship?
This is the place

Start here to explore your options, develop skills and apply successfully. Learn what to expect from apprenticeships and school leaver programmes, browse apprenticeship vacancies and connect with employers who want to hear from you.

Build my skills
Montage of young people working various apprenticeships

Get work ready

Our advice will ensure you are as well prepared as possible when you leave school. From attending careers fairs to choosing the right apprenticeship and succeeding at all stages of the application process: CVs, online tests, interviews and assessment centres.

Modern office with people working

How do you choose the apprenticeship for you?

Not sure where to begin with choosing an apprenticeship? Our checklist of questions will help you research employers and decide where to apply.

5 min read

Young people having a discussion in common room

Top tips for apprenticeships: insights from school leavers

Current and recent apprentices share their best advice for choosing an employer, attending interviews, making a great first impression in the workplace and more.

4 min read

Meeting taking place in office with people talking and smiling

What are apprenticeships and school leaver programmes?

How do apprenticeships work and what are the different levels of apprenticeships you can do? Find out what you can expect from an apprenticeship.

3 min read

Helping you on your apprenticeship journey

Exploring choices

There are more types of apprenticeships and school leaver programmes than ever, each with different styles of training and combinations of work and study. Some allow you to gain professional qualifications or a university degree while you do hands-on work and earn a salary.

Investigating sectors

Apprenticeships are available across a huge range of career areas: technology, finance, healthcare, law, engineering, the media, the public sector and more. Knowing the sector you’d prefer to work in will help you to seek out employers offering opportunities that might suit you.

Researching employers

Making a shortlist of employers to apply to will ensure you have time to write quality applications and prove you are genuinely interested in each one. Our advice includes the questions you should ask to discover if an opportunity is right for you and where to find more information.

Working with leading apprenticeship providers

Apprenticeships and school leaver programmes are offered by employers large and small, across a wide range of career sectors. Discover what different organisations can offer you when you start your career with them.

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